Tractor-trailers are some of the heaviest vehicles on the road, typically weighing 80,000 pounds or more. Compared to other vehicles they can cause far more damage even if they hit a smaller vehicle on the road. Hence it is the responsibility of the companies or individuals who are driving these vehicles to ensure that they…

On average, there are 6 million auto accidents in the US every year. 3 million people are injured in those accidents, while 2 million drivers suffer permanent injuries. Auto accidents in the US result in 6% fatalities, 27% non-fatality injuries, and 72% property damage.  If you get involved in an auto accident, one of the…

The tractor is common in the fields, farms and at times, even on roads. In case you have been injured by the tractor while visiting the farm as a worker or visitor, or even on public roads, it counts to be a tractor accident. You are eligible for Tractor Injury Claim in such case. If…

If you or a loved one has suffered a head injury that was the fault of another party, then filing a head injury claim can help to get you compensation for your injuries. Suffering a head injury is a traumatic event. In some cases, people are lucky and fully recover. Even in cases like this,…

The reality is that accidents can happen anytime. Some accidents can be as a result of your own fault while others can be as a result of someone else fault. If you have been injured as a result of someone else fault, then you can file a negligence lawsuit and seek compensation for damages. However,…

Have you been injured as a result of someone else negligence; be it medical malpractice, workplace injuries, premises liability, defective product, auto accident or slip and fall? If yes, then you don’t have to suffer in silence. Instead, you need to file a personal injury claim and request financial compensation from the at-fault party. Seeking…

Although construction sites are subject to strict safety laws and codes, accidents still occur. In fact, accidents happen in the construction industry more than in all other job sectors combined. In regards to fatalities, construction sites cause approximately 20% of worker deaths in the U.S. private industry sector yearly. Factors contributing to construction site accidents…

You aren’t obligated by law to hire a disability lawyer to handle your disability case; however, statistics have shown that you increase your chances of getting your benefits approved by more than 50% (especially at hearing level) just by hiring a disability lawyer. Social Security’s own statistics have found representation to be critical when it…

It’s worth noting that personal injury lawyers aren’t obligated to offer free consultations. However, the best personal injury law firms (like Stambaugh Law) do so. They also go further and take up cases on a contingency basis meaning you won’t pay any legal fees if you don’t win a case. If you have a case…

In personal injury lawsuits, medical expenses are the single, most common factor considered when deciding how much personal injury victims receive as compensation. Here’s more on medical expenses and other factors determining personal injury settlements. 1. Medical expenses Personal injury victims incur medical expenses immediately. There may be future expenses if the injuries require specialized…

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