The chances of you getting injured in a road accident are 35 times higher if you’re on a motorcycle. Unlike cars, there is no protection around you, so your body suffers the full impact of the motorcycle crash collision.
Motorcycle accidents are almost always fatal, especially if the crash occurs at high speed. The thrill of the open road leads many riders to make fatal mistakes, and it only takes a split second for them to suffer the devastating consequences.
In the off-chance that you become aware of an impending crash while you’re on a motorcycle, there are a few things you could do that may help you survive the crash.
Always carry a first-aid kit
Accidents are unavoidable, but what happens immediately after an accident could be the difference between life and death. Equip your bike with a small first-aid kit. In the aftermath of a crash, it could save you from bleeding to death or suffering from painful injuries.
Getting a first aid kit ready before you hit the road is essential. Here is a guide of everything item you will need for your motorcycle first aid kit
Ride defensively
Defensive driving comes to your aid when you sense an impending crash. Use your heightened awareness to calculate the safest course of action, whether it is braking, changing direction, or cutting down your speed as much as possible and bracing for impact.
Defensive driving is essential for all road users. For motorcyclists, however, it is a necessity. Vehicle drivers have a permanent blind spot when it comes to motorcycles. Over 90 percent of fatal motorcycle accidents occur because drivers either don’t see or completely disregard motorcycle users.
A good example of such negligence can be witnessed in a type of accident referred to as “dooring.” A driver will park on the side of the road and open their door without looking out for oncoming traffic, causing the motorcyclist to brake suddenly and lose control or plow through the open car door.
Sometimes they do check and see an oncoming motorbike, but it doesn’t register in their minds the same way an oncoming car would. Motorcyclists must practice defensive for the sake of their own safety.
To learn more about how to drive defensively PennDOT offers classes for all levels of motorcycle drivers. Check it out.
Don’t ride under the influence
If you’re drunk or high on drugs while riding and you somehow register that you’re about to crash, your reaction will be sluggish or erratic, and you will most certainly get injured.
A clear mind is a useful tool in such a situation. Keep your head clear, and your mind focused whenever you’re on the motorcycle. Even riding while in an emotional state is dangerous because you are more likely to be distracted and make poor decisions that will endanger your life.
Stay under the speed limit
Thrill-seekers live fast and die young, or so the saying goes. Motorcycles are high-speed vehicles, and it can be difficult to reign in your desire to gun it on an open highway. Keep in mind that if you are traveling at high speed and you realize you’re about to lose control or hit something, you will have very little time to do anything about it.
The speed limit is there for a reason. At a reasonable speed, you may be able to survive severe injuries and death or even avoid the accident altogether.
Do not panic
It is vital that you stay calm and rational even when you know you’re about to crash. Panic only impairs your judgment. You’re more likely to make a fatal mistake if you panic after losing control.
Try and stay calm while assessing the situation, even if you have just a few seconds to react. Don’t swerve recklessly or brake too suddenly. Keep your mind clear enough to recognize the danger and deploy the least dangerous evasive maneuver you can come up with.
Be aware of your surroundings
They say that an observer can always spot an accident before it happens. It is true, to some extent, that you can predict an accident if you’re keen enough, and that can be the difference between riding safely to your destination and dying on the highway.
Train your mind and eyes to pay attention to your surroundings on the road. At any point during your trip, you should have mapped out your exit routes and have a few evasive tactics on your fingertips just in case something happens. Awareness can save your life. Just the simple act of giving yourself enough clearance from other road users is enough to buy you time when the worst comes to pass.
You can find more tips for riding your motorcycle safely at NHTSA website – Motorcycle Safety
Accidents are Unavoidable, But Compensation is Your Right
You deserve full compensation if you suffer because of the reckless driving or inattention of other road users. The pain, trauma, and psychological torture a motorcycle accident can put you through cannot be taken lightly, and only an experienced personal injury attorney can help you claim your rightful compensation.
With over 29 years of experience, Stambaugh Law has result-oriented personal injury lawyers that are dedicated to seeing justice prevail, even when you can’t fight for yourself. Don’t let a motorcycle accident put you through more suffering than is necessary; let us help you get the compensation you deserve.